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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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This marina has restricted berth reservations

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The port of Cavallo is situated inside the natural park of the Strait of Bonifacio and is formed by a long breakwater, encompassing three docks with several piers.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: Port de Plaisance de Cavallo - Cavallo Island - South Corsica.
Radio channel: 9
Moorings: 230 moorings
Latitude:: 41° 21' N     Longitude:: 9° 15' W
Draught max: 5.00 meters     Length max: 35.00 meters


  • Sporting activities Sporting activities
  • Drinkable water Drinkable water
  • Bar/Restaurant Bar/Restaurant
  • Diving Diving
  • Electricity Electricity
  • Weather info Weather info

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